B. Bentley Summers
Bryce writes LGBT fiction across multiple genres to include Erotica, Horror, Dark Fantasy, and Sci-Fi.
Bailey Chance
I live in England but love America. I love England as well. My life is full. I have a young daughter who is my true love - sorry to my partner, and my parents. I enjoy...
Barbara W. Starmer
Barbara W. Starmer is a native of the Midwest transplanted to Montana following her passion for western romance. She is a member of the RWA, the Montana RWA, a freelance...
Barbra Novac
For Barbra Novac, life is a created adventure. An existentialist at heart, she believes life is your project and it starts as a blank slate. You may look like your parents...

Bea LaRocca
I can’t remember who taught me to read, but I was reading the Dick and Jane books when I started pre-school, and I’ve been reading ever since. I spent all of the...
Bec Adams
Bec Adams also writes as Rachel Clark.
Rachel loves romance in all its forms. She writes contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, and science fiction in MMF, MF, MFM, MMMF...
Becca Simone
Becca Simone is an erotic romance writer. You know what that means, right? She has lots of hot sex with all sorts of hot men, at all times of the day and night, in all...
Becca Van
My name is Becca Van. I live in Australia with my wonderful hubby of many years, as well as my children, a pigeon pair (a girl and a boy). I have always wanted to write...
Bekki Lynn
Bekki lives and breathes her characters. Without them keeping her company, she'd go insane, especially now as her nest is emptying.She began writing in high school when...
Bella Grace

Bella Juarez
Bella Juarez is originally from San Antonio, Texas and now lives and writes on a small ranch in South Central Texas. She draws inspiration from the real-life heroes and...
Bella Settarra
Bellann Summer
Bellann Summer lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband and children surrounded by lakes and woods. In the summer Bellann enjoys fishing, camping, gardening and...

Berengaria Brown
Variety is the spice of life. Berengaria Brown loves reading erotic romance, all different kinds of erotic romance. Two men, two women, two men and a woman, three men—But...
Beth D. Carter
Beth Gray
Beth is as an award winning novelist who lives on the beach in Florida where inspiration is only steps away. While often found in coffee or wine shops up and down the...
Bethany Michaels
Betty Womack
I have always loved books. Reading was a passion early in my life. I read everything the famous and not so famous authors wrote. I was a die hard historical...
Beverly Price
As a person who does believe in love at first sight, it was easy to find romance where ever I went. I myself have fallen into fate's hand when I met my husband and...
Beverly Rae
Beverly tried her hand at many careers until she found the perfect career. She was a professional singer, a secretary, a programmer's assistant, a retail computer salesperson...
Beverly Sims
Beverly grew up on the Oregon Coast where the stormy surf and rugged cliffs made perfect backgrounds for her first few novels. Her move to Central Florida, where she...
Bijou DuLac
Bijou DuLac was born and raised in rural Michigan where she attended college and began writing. She and her husband spent ten years in Montana before moving to the Seattle...
Bill Newman
For me writing is a retirement hobby, a pleasant change from my former, high stress life in high-tech. I was born in London, England and later immigrated...
Billie Jaines
Billie Jaines was born in London, England and later immigrated to Canada. Billie is retired and writes as a hobby, and is currently working on another erotic romance...
Blaze Ballantine
Being a paranormal investigator, my thoughts are often focused on the otherworldly. I imagined what it would be like to have a society based on all paranormal entities...
Bobbi Brattz
Well, dip me in chocolate and lick me clean! The imagination is a wonderful tool!
Let your imagination soar as women love one man or more. Where sex crosses the line...
Bobbi Perkins
Bobbi Perkins writes every day in her cozy, tiny office, overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. After many years of teaching college-level writing, she knew that her own writing...
Bonnie Parker
Bonnie S. Mata
Bonnie was raised as a little girl out on a ranch in Los Ojuelos, Texas, where Texas Rangers were once stationed back in 1850 to protect the trade route to...
Brandi Maxwell
Bree Younger
When I was young, I discovered the power of the written word, and I’ve been a fan ever since. LOL! It always amazed and astounded me that not everyone was as fascinated...
Brenda Steele
Brenda Steele loves all things out of the ordinary, especially science fiction, dark fantasy, and paranormal. She writes to gratify the cravings of her own sexual drive...
Brenda Williamson
Brenda Williamson is single, has one son, and lives in the USA in the beautiful state of Alabama. When not working as a self-employed online retailer, the other half...
Britt Kenley
I am a fantasy author of male-on-male erotic romance. Growing up in a small town in the Deep South where the days are long and lazy, I spent a lot of time creating make-believe...

Brittany Barefield
As a native southerner, where telling old tales is commonplace, BrittanyBarefieldbegan a love affair with writing as soon as she could hold a crayon. Throughout adolescence...